Friday, August 14, 2015

Mid-August Jerk

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A few days after my last post, the tomato plants in the garden perked up. For a while, they were doing much better than bucket tomato, but then bucket made a bit of a comeback, and the garden tomatoes lost their perk.

It’s not all bad news though, I actually harvested my first ripe tomato a couple nights ago from bucket tomato. It ended up in a salad I ate yesterday – YUM! Bucket tomato lives in the garden now, still in the bucket but slightly more protected from wind and rabbits. 

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The carrots are still growing and the basil is doing pretty well considering its not-so-great start. I did finally make the basil potato salad I mentioned last time around. It wasn’t bad, but I probably won’t make it again. The parsley is growing faster than I can use it. I need to find the motivation to make some chimichurri… A nice beef roast or a couple good steaks might provide that motivation!
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The radishes have all been harvested (and I ate the last of them in that salad) and most of the green onions too. I made a double batch of jerk marinade to use up some of the green onions, but there’s still a lot left. I anticipate more jerk marinade in the near future; that’s not a bad thing.
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I harvested more thyme recently, and I really should harvest the arugula… perhaps this weekend when I plant more strawberries and some spring onions!

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