Sunday, October 28, 2018

Fall Cleanup 2018

DSC00305This is possibly the last yard tour post here for the year.  Everything is done growing, and the recent frosts have leaves looking like they are melting, so it is time to clean it all up for the year.  The burning bush, however, is peaking red before all the leaves fall.

Kate took care of the garden, bringing in a few onions, some oregano and a few catnip leaves.  She tilled the compost soil into the east garden and used hay to mulch the raspberries and strawberries.  We also added mulch to some of the flowerbeds.  With the wet fall, the late date and all the garlic we got from the last batch Kate decided against planting it this fall.

I emptied the right side of the compost bin into the garden and filled the left side with plants I cut down.  All the hostas and the lily of the valley by the garage had the string trimmer taken to them, just to help them break down back into the soil for next year.


Yard tour after the break: